
Asset registration

Anexo contributes to a reliable and sustainable energy supply throughout the Netherlands.

Strategy and design
Low code

The Challenge

Anexo asked us to digitise their mutation data and planning. The aim is not only to save time and increase quality. It is also important for Anexo’s geographical scalability.

The Solution

We developed an app in which the measurement forms and certifications of metering devices are entered by the technician via a portable device. This change data is directly linked to the internal measurement management system.

From Data to Input

The change data is used in the new Anexo plan board, which is partly based on artificial intelligence. In the near future, scheduled assignments, locations, competencies, instructions and installation time will be translated into calculations for a smart planning advice by means of a genetic algorithm.

Predicting the Best Match

When the work planner logs in to his planning board and registers a new job, the planning board itself makes a suggestion about the travel time, capacity and working time of the technicians. This intuitively finds the best match, allowing the technicians to fully focus on their work and to help the customer as well and as adequately as possible.

The Result

The App for the technicians in combination with the planning board offers a digital transformation for these complex processes, which, in time, can be used on an Anexo-wide scale. Plus it contributes to the quality and safety that Anexo sets great store by in its daily work.

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